Web tool kit presentation – review

We had a great start for our season. The turnout was quite good as well. Our resident Smalltalk legend, she was on the original team at XeroxParc with Alan Kay, made it even though she now has a gig with a large insurance company out in Jersey. Two of the guys from JP’s Kapital project made it as well. One of our members came all the way from Ithaca, just to name a few. Tom gave a great presentation and even included examples of integrating CSS with the Web Tool Kit framework. Having done some JSP work myself , it is quite clear that there are some real advantages in using the WTK, especially in debugging. It is as easy as dropping a “self halt” in the JSP.

After the presentation we all went to the New Yorker Hotel around the corner on 34th and 8th and had a few beers.

The next presentation is on Microlingua on Nov. 16th.