Another Season

I first became involved with the NYC Smalltalk user’s group back in 1996 when I left Florida Power & Light to embark on a consulting gig at the then called Brooklyn Union Gas. Back then Jeff Britton and Ted McKnight were the co-chairs and I believe that before them there were some other leads. I took over, if I recall correctly, back in 2000. Ever since 1996 we have been meeting on a pretty consistent basis. Somehow, we just manage to get enough participation from the community as well as material that we ourselves put together. I do wish that more of our local Smalltalkers would make it a point to present at least once a year. I think that people make too much of a big deal of things. I am told that in Argentina and Europe Smalltalkers just meet in cafe’s and someone just takes the lead on a topic. Tonight, Tom Sattler will be presenting on VisualWorks Web Tool Kit , a JSP spec compliant implementation among other things. This is Tom’s second year. I really appreciate his participation at this level. Tom is also one of our regulars. In January we have another local presenting, my co-worker Rob Fossella. Rob has been “coerced” into that presentation but my sincere hope is that next year it won’t take too much arm twisting :) Next month we have Maurice Rabb visiting us. Maurice has developed a new dialect of Smalltalk called Microlingua which targets small devices. Maurice is from Chicago but I hear that he likes NYC quite a lot , so who knows maybe he will become a local.