Service over Quality

Today I was reminded of how important service is and that quality is not all. I usually value quality over service. By that I mean is that I am willing to be inconvenienced if I get good value out of a particular product. In the case of food, how it taste, smells and is presented will any day make up for a rude waiter and otherwise bad service. However, when the food is delivered exceedingly late that can just destroy the entire experience and its very difficult for quality to make up. Here is my review of a restaurant we dined at this evening in the Murray Hill section of Manhattan:

The humus was one of the tastiest I have ever had . the herbs and feta cheese were very fresh , unfortunately even these were delivered to our table unbearably late. Eventually, the food would once on our table turn out to be good and the portions were ample, the price quite reasonable but the wait had spoiled the dining experience.

The name of the restaurant is: Jasmine Persian Cuisine at 11 E 30th Street. Again, the food was good and the prices were good as well. Perhaps. an off-night.