Weber Genesis Platinum C

Many eons ago I remember having a philosophical discussion on IT strategy with an upper management type. He said to me: “good developers do not use their tools as excuses”. I quickly replied: “well, I can open a can of tuna with a screwdriver but a can opener would surely be a lot less messier”. The guy was basically telling me to shut up , stop whining and get back to work and use what I tell you to use. My point was that he was dumb, shortsighted and that tools do matter.

Some tools are just inherently better at something than other tools. Some tools just fit a particular individual better. An example of this is found in the art of grilling. I recently purchased a Weber Genesis Platinum C grill. What a joy. Starting the grill is just a matter of a couple clicks on a startup button, once on the heat is perfectly evenly distributed and there is nothing I have do to maintain heat consistency, the shutdown and maintenance is just as easy. This Weber gas grill allows me to keep focused on my problem i.e. grilling. My old charcoal / wood grill was the total opposite, at least half of the time was spent on keeping the grill happy and the maintenance what a chore.

So what are the lessons gleaned from this experience with my new gas grill?

  • Tools are important
  • The Weber Genesis Platinum C is a great gas grill.
  • Smalltalk is a great can opener.