Collaborating with StORE

It had been probably about 1.5 years since I last tried to use Postgres on Windows as a backend for StORE, the source code versioning environment for VisualWorks. It was not happening at all. At that time I decided to use the Interbase/Firebird backend because it was a multi-user solution which was stable and that was a step up from what I had been using at the time namely Access. Why is a multi-user backend necessary? Well, because it one wants to collaborate with somebody there is no to setup some centralized repository somewhere you can do it peer to peer which sure beats passing parcels around. However the Interbase/Firebird solution was not quite perfect. So now I have decided to move on to using Postgres on Windows as my StORE backend the reasons being:

  • Good security which means that participants do not have to be confined to the same local network
  • Very easy install on Windows
  • the admin tools are good, making it easy to setup users and multiple databases
  • Postgres works with Glorp and thereofore with the Glorp Store replicator
  • I want to start working with something that uses Glorp since we plan to use it in the near future
  • Finally, this is the setup that many of the Cincom Smalltalkers seem to be using i.e. from my talks at SS 2005