Introducing Web Velocity

I have 20 years of experience in the software development industry, as a line developer, a consultant, a pre/post sales engineer, and most recently, as the Product Evangelist for Cincom Smalltalk. I’ve given talks at a number of industry conferences, including Smalltalk Solutions, Ot/SPA, LinuxWorld/NetworkWorld, ESUG, and XP/Agile conferences. I’m also the author of the Cincom Smalltalk Blog – “Smalltalk Tidbits, Industry Rants”, and the leader of the “Industry Misinterpretations” weekly podcast. I’m also the author of a few open source tools, such as the RSS/Atom news aggregator BottomFeeder, and of the Silt Blog server.

I have deep experience in Smalltalk and OO development, and have pioneered various kinds of product evangelism at Cincom, including the use of blogging and podcasting as a way of expanding mindshare for the products I manage. Most of the tools I use in these endeavors are implemented in Cincom Smalltalk, as a way of “eating my own dogfood”. This work has given me a background in grassroots level PR and marketing.

I can be reached at


WebVelocity is a new Smalltalk Development Environment that is oriented around Seaside for Web Development and Glorp for Object/Relational Mapping. Come and see how WebVelocity re-targets the Smalltalk development experience into the Web Browser and simplifies the challenge of learning a new environment for newcomers. We’ll even build an entire application using Active Record and Scaffolding during the presentation with minimal programming. If you’re a fan of Ruby on Rails, you should come out and see this presentation.

When: July 9th, 2009,  open house starts at 6:30 pm, Presentation at 7pm.

Where: Suite LLC , 8th Fl

For directions check out the directions tab on the our site.

Run BASIC – A Seaside Story

Carl Gundel , developer of LibertyBasic , a development environment for Basic written in VisualWorks, will be presenting at NYC Smalltalk on Thursday, May 21st, 2009.  He will update us on the evolution of his Liberty Basc IDE and its implementation as a Web based IDE based on VisualWork’s Seaside implementation.

Open house starts at 6:30 pm and the presentation follows at 7:00pm. We usually go out for a couple beers  to a nearby restaurant/bar.

Our meetings are opened to the general public.


Carl is a Smalltalker since 1988 and has been developing BASIC language products in Smalltalk since 1991 along with various other kinds of software systems in Smalltalk.


Carl will present Run BASIC; a web programming system. Run BASIC focuses on making web development easy; sort of a QBasic for the web. Run BASIC is based on Carl’s popular Liberty BASIC language and is implemented on top of VisualWorks and Seaside.

SMTP Basic client demo


Here’s a quick and basic SMTP client demo.  Its obviously outgoing only.  VisualWorks has support for all the standard networking protocols i.e. http, ftp, smtp, pop , imap and tons more.

Download the demo and check it out.

The installer will create a Program Group entitled “NYC Smalltalk” wherein one will find a shortcut for the SMTP Demo. An uninstaller is provided as well.  Be forwarned I have not made this fool proof. However, if all the parameters are entered correctly for the signon you will be sending out emails in no time.

BTW, note that the SMTP Demo is divided into 2 componenets one is the Smalltalk Runtime Environment namely the sre.exe , this is a generic runtime environment I setup that is network client capable. That only needs to be distributed once. The application i.e. the demo is actually located in SmptClient.pcl which is a 7 kb file.

Cincom presents Web Velocity

On May 21st, Arden Thomas, product manager for Cincom Smalltalk will be proving us with a presentation on Web Velocity , a Seaside based framework for the rapid development of web based apps.

GLASS – Gemstone on Seaside

Please join us this upcoming Wednesday, Feb 6th , for an interesting presentation on a new Seaside based framework which leverages Gemstone to provide for transparent persistence services to Seaside.

James Forester of Gemstone will be presenting.

Please visit our site for directions.

GLASS: Transparent Persistence for Seaside

While the Seaside framework elegantly addresses HTML generation and application flow-of-control issues, it still leaves challenges for the developer–including persistence, multi-user coordination, and scaling. With typical solutions (including object-relational mapping, external files, and multiple images) the “pure objects” experience of Smalltalk is compromised. In this presentation we will demonstrate GLASS (GemStone, Linux, Apache, Seaside, and Smalltalk), a stack (analogous to LAMP) that provides a robust environment for deploying sophisticated, dynamic web applications that can scale.

GLASS runs on GemStone/S 64 Bit, a Smalltalk application server and database, whose Web Edition is available for free–even for commercial use. Copies of the software will be available at the meeting.

James Foster is QA Lead on the Smalltalk Engineering Team at GemStone Systems, Inc.

Plugging in Postgres

The next NYC Smalltalk presentation will be held Wednesday Nov. 7th.

I, Charles A. Monteiro will be discussing issues I encountered as well as techniques/strategies in our quest to have an Oracle centric direct sql VW application speak to a Postgres backend without having to change application layer code.

The presentation starts at 7pm but there’s an open house at 6:30 where people meet and freely discuss anything sort of Smalltalk related.

After the presentation many of us go to a local pub/bar and continue the discussions over some beer.

Our presentations are opened to the public. Bring a friend if you have one.

Basic on Seaside

Carl Gundel , developer of LibertyBasic , a development environment for Basic written in VisualWorks, will be presenting at NYC Smalltalk on Wednesday, May 30th, 2007. Open house starts at 6:30 pm and the presentation follows at 7:00pm. We usually go out for drinks/food to a nearby restaurant/bar..

Our meetings are opened to the general public.

For directions go to our web site:


Carl Gundel is a long time Smalltalker (since 1988) who got his start using Digitalk’s Smalltalk/V for DOS. Since then he’s used Smalltalk to craft everything from shop floor control to CNC editors to programming languages.


Carl will present Run BASIC; a web programming system. Run BASIC focuses on making web development easy; sort of a QBasic for the web. Run BASIC is based on Carl’s popular Liberty BASIC language and is implemented on top of VisualWorks and Seaside.

Presentation: Unit-Testing in Smalltalk

Please join us for our next presentation Wednesday 28th of March 2007. See you all there and visit our web site for time and directions:



Mr. Panu Viljamaa is an OO-, XML-, and web-based -programming expert currently working as an independent consultant in New York City. He’s been working as a Smalltalk programmer-architect since 1986. His current tools include J2EE, “Ajax” and “REST” as well. His writings on software have been published in the Addison-Wesley series on Design Patterns and by ACM. He’s worked extensively as a software engineer in the telecom-, financial-, utilities- and e-learning domains in both United States and Europe.


In this presentation Panu will talk about Unit-Testing in Smalltalk, including a new simplified “Method-Tests” -API for doing so.
He will demonstrate how unit-testing can be made more productive and totally integrated with the open IDE of Smalltalk. This presentation will be a precursor, and a dress-rehearsal for a more comprehensive presentation to be given at Smalltalk Solutions 2007, Toronto.

Cincom Smalltalk in the house

Arden Thomas which is the new SE for Cincom Smalltalk will be presenting on January 31st , 2007.

Directions and time can be found on our web site.


I will discuss our new product roadmap, which has been changing and evolving more recently. I would also like to get feedback from the group on their product needs, and even do some group “thinking out loud” or brainstorming, about future directions for Smalltalk IDE’s, and ways to improve our product.


Arden Thomas got started with Smalltalk in 1986, looking for better ways to do software development (he found it). He is currently a senior field application engineer for Cincom working to help Cincom’s Smalltalk customers, and to help move Smalltalk forward. Prior to this he worked for ParcPlace as a trainer, sales engineer, and consultant, and then moved into a senior development position at Forest Investment management, doing extensive software development in VisualWorks Smalltalk.

See you all there and as always we will get together for some drinks right around the corner at the La Vigna restaurant at the New Yorker at 34th and 8th.